Saturday, April 17, 2010

NEGATIVE EVOLUTION: The adaptation for dependence

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Currently I am posted in Obs. & Gynec., and shocked with the huge no. of complications occuring in the process of child birth, which is considered ,one of the natural process.

Numerous medical interventions in the natural process of childbirth, since considerably long time; have completely dominated its naturalness. Its a good example of NEGATIVE EVOLUTION(?).

Now those changes which wont allow to carry the process on its own, (like increasing no. of episiotomies, slower physiological responses from mothers) have well established in the gene pool of the population (particularly those from upper classes) .

No wonder, now not a single case can be allowed to go without medical aids.

So the word EVOLUTION was defined like "...Which SOMETIMES leads to better life of organism..." that means SOMETIMES it may not. So its only a process of gradual adaptation,...Even adaptation for dependence.

(to be continued...)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Our MIND...The biggest portal to our source!!

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This is the big, very very very big concept !! Just imagine when you say my mind...Then actually what do u mean??

For others, you are heavily represented by your physical body ! But inside u, when u think of yourself, you are represented by the impulse of "ME"ness, which is operating through thought process !

But still, when u say "MY" mind, It proves that, there is something over your mind...Which operates you..& thats why u can independently think of "YOUR MIND" & "BODY" separately...& interesting thing is that, it is out of your control.

I concluded that, Death is exactly when...When u cant just think of your body & your mind. That means the third mysterious faculty has been switched off !

So the weakest thing of your mind is that, its a slave of something you are aware of, whom you call "I", but exactly which is not in your control ! Your job is to free it !!

I take this opportunity, to advice you, to go through the movie MATRIX...the greatest construction of human civilization!!

(to be continued...)